• GrowTrees, London, United Kingdom
  • contact@growtrees.co.uk

+1 (800)123 456 789

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Our history

Our Success Story

GrowTrees is a pioneering agri tree growing project in Pakistan, focused on teak tree plantations


Founding GrowTrees

Company founded with the vision to offer sustainable teak tree donations opportunities.


Planting Teak Trees

Achieved our first major milestone of planting 1 million teak trees.


Farmland Expansion

Expanded operations through additional plantations space in one of the most fertile regions in Pakistan.


Community Support

Launched our community support program, contributing a percentage of profits to local development.

2020 >

Celebrating Growth

Celebrated 11 years in business with our rapidly growing teak wood plantations.

Be a part of our green environment

We Grow Teak Trees For You